I know you've all been on the edge of your seats since we last released a track from T.A.N.C in November and today is the day!
On top of that, our debut album will be out on the 30th June and we'll be touring the UK in July to celebrate.
Sandwich Song started out as a nostalgic story recounting my school friend Aidan’s sandwiches he’d bring in his packed lunch that had been made by his mum. They were tuna mayo (with both mayo and salad cream), white bread and no crusts. There was no way I was ever going to get anything like that in my packed lunch (I used to get boiled eggs, and would get in trouble for leaving the shells on the floor, which is fair enough really). Anyway, Aidan didn’t like his sandwiches, so used to give them to me! They were indescribably perfect!